Category Archives: Apps & Links

[app] How to Geotag Your Photo using Picasa

Why Geotag Your Photo? Several good reasons why you should geotag your photos : Over the years, if you don’t name your photos with loc [...]

[app] AirBnB dan Tips Menggunakannya

Memutuskan menggunakan AirBnB (vs hotel) mirip dengan saat memutuskan menggunakan Uber (vs taksi). Intinya adalah pertimbangan antara keaman [...]

[app] Rencana Libur Lebaran 2015 with Travelio

Dulu sebelum punya anak, menginap di hotel bintang lima adalah suatu getaway yang menarik. Namun kami melakukannya terakhir nyaris 5 tahun l [...]

[app] For Running, Which One Better : Endomondo vs Nike+

Running with gadget? Well, believe me, when you start running regularly, you will somehow feel the need to use of mobile application to trac [...]

[app] Tiny Hands Sorting 2 – ipad apps for 2yrs old+

Before this I wrote a post about “List of Best IPAD Apps for Children under 18mo” (click here). But apparently, there is one app [...]

[list] Best IPAD Apps for Children under 18mo

Finding the right ipad apps for children under 18 mo is not easy. Two main reasons : (a) they cannot use ipad well yet, (b) they will lose f [...]

[list] Top 10 iPad Apps (non game) You Should Have from the Start

It might represent my profile that has mixed use of iPad : business and personal. And I will not include social media or well-known website [...]

[app] Fring – It’s Fringing Freedom

Rating : ★★★★★ Category : Communication Kalau punya mobile phone, Fring termasuk aplikasi gratis yg mesti di download. Kenapa Frin [...]

[link] Creative Park Bingung mau ngapain libur panjang ini? Mau kreatif dengan kertas, printer, gunting & lem? Coba lih [...]

[app] iMovie 08

Rating : ★★★★★ Manufacturer : Apple Category : Entertainment Sebagai pengguna MAC hampir 1/2 tahun terakhir ini, baru 2 minggu lal [...]

[apps] Nonton TV Indonesia Online malu nih, malu ngaku suka nonton sinetron okeh okeh.. sebetulnya engga suka2 banget nonton sinetron, tp suka.. [...]

[app] Skype

Rating : ★★★★★ Category : Communication Selama ini, kalau chatting melalui net selalu mengandalkan YM. Tetapi sejak temen ini lagi [...]

[game] Business Management

Rating : ★★★★ Category : Simulation Console : Mac Games Game2 ini termasuk game yang mudah dan kecil. Objective-nya adalah to make a [...]

[game] Space Harrier

This game is so memorable for me. It was among the first games that enabled players to sit in console. There was time when I played this gam [...]

[link] Google Calculator : Converter Untuk Koki jarang sekali beli buku resep, soalnya mau cari resep apapun tinggal googling. B [...]
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