
We love to travel, and life has been kind to us. We are given the opportunity to travel to several amazing countries, with unbelievable duration.

We never regret to spend money on travel, because we want to be able to experience things as early as possible. We believe aging will limit your option to travel.

Our motto when travel is “BE LOCAL”.

priceless moment

Although tourist attraction is a must, but we also want to spend time in places where local people are. We want to eat where they eat, we want to experience just like what local people experience everyday.

Another thing that we enjoy very much is the planning. Listing down places we want to visit, planning the schedule and logistics, and doing the budget is as exciting as the travel itself.

And during planning, we got a lot of tips from many blogs written by other travelers. So we hope we can return the favor by writing our own experience.

Find our journey in this website! Click here to view travel category!

Journey to Other Countries

| West Europe (2000)New Zealand (2002)South Korea (2003) |
| Australia (2004) | Vietnam (2006) |
| China : Shanghai-Hanzhou (2007) | Thailand (2008) |
| Great Britain (2008) part1part 2part 3part 4part 5 |
| Italy (2011) foodnotes | USA : Washington (2013) | Singapore (2014) |
| China : Beijing (2015) | Japan : Tokyo, Kyoto (2016) |
| USA : California – Arizona – Nevada (2016) | China : Zhangjiajie (2017) |
| Japan : Hokaido (2018) | China : Xian (2018)Food|

Journey in Indonesia

Jakarta : | Monas | Museum Jakarta | Pulau Putri |

West Java : | Bandung | Cirebon  | Pulau Umang |
| Ciputih Beach | Legok Kondang |
| Begreno, Sukabumi |

Central & East Java : | Semarang | Losari Plantation |
| Salatiga | Malang | Banyuwangi |

Sumatera : | Bukit Tinggi | Palembang | Belitung |

Kalimantan : | Pontianak | Balikpapan |

Sulawesi : | Tana Toraja | Manado | Makassar |

Other : | Ambon (Maluku) | Jayapura (Papua) |
| Labuan Bajo (NTT)


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