Category Archives: Movies & TV

[mov-quote] Swing Vote (2008)

All the world’s great civilizations have followed the same path. From bondage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to [...]

[mov] Passengers (2008)

Genre : thriller, mystery Rating : 3.5/5 Verdict : Shyamalan could’ve done it better, but it’s not bad. IMDB link click here Aft [...]

[series] Apparitions (2008)

Apparition is a BBC series about exorcism (one season only, 6 episodes). It has 6 episodes, telling the story about Father Jacob, an ex exco [...]

[mov] The Chaser (Chugyeogja) (2008)

Genre : thriller Rating : 3/5 Verdict : Don’t put high expectation or even, wait for Hollywood remake. IMDB link click here I watched [...]

[mov] Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of The Furious Five (2008)

It’s a bonus, 30-minute film to Kung-Fu Panda where Po teaches a group of delightfully cute bunnies. Patience, courage, confidence, discip [...]

[mov] Ghost Town (2008)

Genre : romantic comedy Rating : 4/5 Verdict : this is maybe the only chance you watch Ricky Gervais in romantic comedy IMDB link click here [...]

[mov] Kungfu Panda – Bucket List, The – Taken (2008)

Setelah lihat-lihat list, kayaknya hanya tiga ini yang bisa masuk kategori ‘asyik tonton’. Kungfu Panda Akhirnya…… a [...]

[mov] Wall-E (2008)

Genre : animation, romance Rating : 4/5 Verdict : throughout the 2008, this is the most romantic story I watched. IMDB link click here Altho [...]

[mov] Definitely Maybe (2008)

Genre : romance Rating : 4/5 Verdict : Is Ryan Reynolds the next rom-com specialist? IMDB link click here When her parents were going to div [...]

[mov-quote] The Bucket List (2008)

See the review here. Carter Chambers: Forty-five years goes by pretty fast. Edward Cole: Like smoke through a keyhole. Carter Chambers: Even [...]

[list] 10 Funniest and Yet Inspiring Teen Movies

Despite this silly genre will never win an Oscar, but this genre is watched by teenagers and has the chance to inspire them. I choose these [...]

[mov-quote] My Dog Skip (2000)

Why, in childhood and youth, we wish time to pass so quickly. We want to grow up so fast. Yet, as adults, we wish just the opposite Like all [...]

[mov-quote] Finding Forrester (2000)

The key to a woman’s heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time. You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite w [...]

[mov-quote] Georgia Rule (2007)

Dear Rachel, My mother always told me the hardest things to do in life are to trust, to have faith and to forgive. So I want you to hear the [...]

[list] 10 Best Movie Quotes from 100 AFI Movie Quotes (can you guess the movies?)

100 Movie Quotes is a list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema by AFI (American Film Institute). Here are my 10 favourites (s [...]
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